Does it make him gay

Our next door neighbours son admitted to me and my younger brothers that he looks at transexual porn, nothing against them, but does that make him gay?? I got nothing against gay people, I don’t agree with it, but whatever you’re into, so does this admission make him gay? because my brothers are really homophobic and this is really bothering them

Answer #1

I’d bet the kind of transsexual he means are male-to-female pre-op transsexuals, who have breast implants and a pen!s.

It was the Victorians who came up with this idea of heterosexual and homosexual and bisexual, but real life is seldom that simple and clear-cut. If you look up the Kinsey report on Male Sexuality (it’s on Wikipedia) you’ll see that lots of guys (maybe even most guys) have a mixture of gay and straight thoughts, interests, and experiences.

It would be great to be able to give a straightforward answer to your question, but the real problem is with what your brothers think “gay” means. Your question suggests they would have a problem with this guy IF he’s gay, because they’ve learned to think that gay is a bad thing. So if straight people like transsexuals, they would be OK about it. It’s not the actions of being gay that worry them, it’s the word.

Answer #2

It may be that he likes it for the same reason that men like lesbian porn, there are no other males in the porn with which he would have to compeate with in an ego sort of fashion. Yet mabie he’s been raised to belive that a relationship between a man and a woman is the only right one, so instead he subconsoisly goes for transexual porn (spacificly a male turned female having sex with a female) becouse there is still a male persona in the situation, having sex with a woman, therefore partualy complying with his subconsois programming telling him only male and female relationships are right, while also having no other male genitalia to contend with. Or it could be a twist in the other direction in which it is a woman who is turned into a man, who has sex with a woman. in this case it would then be more viceral in which a normaly submissive and gental woman is overcome by urges new powerful, which overcome her with animal lust.

In either case this need not actualy pertain to the person’s sexuality. Most of the people who enjoy transformation porn are heterosexual men, and the indeviduals in transgender porn are just transformation, but after the fact. Also most porn of that style is usualy portrayed as having changed through magical instantanius and perfect means.

Answer #3

Not necessarily may he finds it strange or he just thought by telling you guys that he looks at trans gender photos would impress you. Either way the way it really shouldn’t be something that you should worry about, because ultimately it is his decision and it has no effect on you or your brothers . Normally not always people who have certain phobias, are afraid of becoming what they fear. Fear is a natural emotion and as such should not be allowed to control you or make you change how you deal with life and circumstances that surrounds us daily. Besides maybe your friend just likes looking at the male body, one way to find out take a piss by him and watch his reaction if he can’t turn away then yes he might just be so inclined if not and he turns away then he has ulterior motives , Like maybe he does not understand why some men want to be women and vice a versa

Answer #4

I got nothing against him if he is gay, I just don’t like the idea of transexuals (once again nothing against them) and if he is gay I’m ok with it as long as he don’t try to hit on me

Answer #5

you mean men that have had the op to be a women?

and only your friends knows if he’s gay, you or your brother can’t make that judgement.

and if he’s really your friends (you and your bro’s) then surely your brother can get past his ignorance for a friend, can’t he?

Answer #6

no this doesnt make him gay he might just find it a turn on

Answer #7

I’m ok with it as long as he don’t try to hit on me


Answer #8

Why don’t you try ASKING him, instead of assuming?

Answer #9

Well, i don’t think it’s very fair of your brothers to make it hard for him. Being gay is normal, it’s part of nature. just accept some people are different from you and well, this must be a very hard time for him, trying to discover himself, so i would say stand by him until he figures out what he is and support his decision. (:

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