Does he still love me the way he did before?

I’ve been with my boyfriend 4 a year now an I love him loads more than anythin at the start we was perfect but the past few months he seems 2 be changing he would rather spend time with hes mates than me, he says he loves me an im all he wats but it just dont seem hat way anymore. Hes verry sly! I dont know what 2 do 2 make us work cause its eather make up or break up now thats how bad its getting any answers

Answer #1

He could really just need time with the guys- and thats totally normal. But I’m not sure what you mean by ‘hes very sly’ - do you trust him? If you dont, you need to get to the source of why you dont trust him. Is it insecurity or has he done something to cause you to doubt him? Maybe its a phase, but the bigger issue/picture is the trust factor. no trust=no relationship. Oh, and if you do talk to him about it again- dont accuse- he will become defensive. approach it in a way where he feels he can open up to you. ask ‘is there something bothering you’ did I do something to upset you’…I really care for you…and I’m concerned bout our relationship, etc.

Answer #2

well maybe he just wants to have some fun with his friends. talk to him about it and find out the reason why he’s not hanging out with you more

Answer #3

just talk to him tel him how you feel. hear him out and come 2 a compromise if you guys can’t then mayb you shuld tink bout the other choices

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