Does He Still Feel For Me ?

hey im emily.

about 4 months ago me and my boyfriend broke up from like a 6 -7 month relationship. and now and hes really changed and we dont talk face to face and if we do it just a quick hi and thats it. but we talk on the net and stuff. and now I have a new boyfriend and he seems to want to know everything about him and he keeps asking me and I wont tell im anything so he gets angry. and he always brings up ‘us’ and stuff and he was the one who broke up with me.

does anyone think he still have feelings for me????

Answer #1

He def still has feelings for you, and is jealous you found someone else, the best thing you can do right now is to cut contact with your ex becos he is only going to cause dramas for your new relationship!

Answer #2

Dear luluface, Stop all communication with the EX. We call them EX for a reason…unless you share children you need to cut all ties…no internet conversations. His interest in you new boyfriend isn’t good and can lead to a lot of problems for you. The EX may have commitment problems that he needs to work out. Move on with your life…he’s not the one you want to be with till he can emotionally work out his own problems. Sue….good luck

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