Does he really want me?

Okay this is kinda a long story well i been knowing this boy for a long time but i neva really paid him no mind until now…i guess…well he has been telling my cousin which is a boy also that he really likes me but he kinda has a wierd way of showing it we recently just started goin together about 3 weeks ago i think…and he told me on a note that he really likes me he told me that “every time he comes around me all he can do is smile, because he don’t want to look stupid” or watever i git that cuz it is possible that he could just be lyin i don’t know what to think but he tells everyone but me how he feels about me to their face…but recently i found out that he told this other gurl that he liked her i wasen’t mad about it really it was the point that he didn’t tell me that he liked her i was mad about i called him like 2 days ago and i haven’t talked to him since he told me that he was goin to call me back but he never call’d and my cousin told me that he don’t really like talkin on tha phone thats y he didn’t call me back but he should have told me that instead of me looking stupid waiting on him to call me back…but should i break it off wit him or stay wit him…does he really like me but he has a funny way of showing it or am i somebodii that he goes wit and has to deal with??

Answer #1

gurl he probally is tryin to be a playa why dont you just confront him and ask for the truth and if says “well baby i dont know” or some stupid answer dump him and find someone else but if he has a good answer then stay with him

Answer #2

I would say the guy has some real problems in his head. Does he like you ? Doesn’t matter anyway. The guy is no good. Be smart and stay away from him. Colt

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