Does he mean what he says?

my boyfriend said that no matter what he would stay with me.. He siad he willl alaways love me, he wants to sspend the rest of his life with me, and will never leave me. I never question his love, but yesterdy he told me if things don’t get betyter in our rleationship he cant do it anymore. Luckily I saved txt messages that he sent me that said things like Ill nver leave you, I can wait a years for you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and will you marry me… I sent them all to him and told him to never sya anything he doesnt mean. It really hurt a lot. Then he tells me he didn’t mean what he siad, bout leaving me and he was sorry. I believe him but I wonder is it worth it to do everything for him and tell myself I am so lucky to have a person that will never leave me. I am so commited to him and I don;t want to hear him one day change his mind again one day and say I cant do it anymore… I continuosly asked him yesterday if he is serious and he said he wants to be with me for the rest of his life and that is his final decision.., I guess I just question it because he cahnges his mind so much and Im scared and I dont know what to do. I am really confused..

Answer #1

He sounds rather emotional and maybe just one of those people who love the idea of love. A virtue never tested is no virtue at all, basically only time will tell whether his promised mean anything. I personally don’t think that it’s a good idea to be promising to spend the rest of your life with someone not matter how much you think you mean it at they time, cause things change rapidly and stuff happens that you can’t control. Take what he says with a pinch of salt but live for the moment. Enjoy the relationship whilst it’s happening and if things don’t work out just put it down to experiance and move on. Of course thats easy for me to say but hard for anyone to do. I wish you the best of luck and I hope things work out between you two.

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