Does he like me?

FIRST OFF, THIS SEEMS A LITTLE LONG BUT ITS OT AS LONG AS IT SEEMS I PROMISE, PLEASE KEEP READING Right, I have known this guy for quite a while, and we have established we are mates, but sometimes he acts like he likes me, I mean I really like him and just want to know if he likes me, hes always sending conflicting signals, but heres what he does to make me think he does - He interrupted me when I was talking to a guy, and then said that I can do better. Always calls my name when I walk past him Always laughs at things I say We have quite a lot in common He used to write on my wall quite a lot and end it with kisses Always speaks to me on msn Left me a cryptic message saying luv ya Some times come up to me and start making conversation Says random confusing things like ‘your the love of my life’ Hugs me quite a lot Teases me a lot Asks about me when I’m not there Stares at me quite a bit (I think) Greets with a hug Stares when I’m chatting to other guys He may not be saying any thing because of my brother And these are the things that make me think he doesnt - Always refers to me as mate Flirts with a lot of other girls Asks for a friends number Hasn’t wrote to me on myspace in ages Doesn’t really try and touch me or stand close to me Some times acts the same to others as he does with me a lot of people like him, including my friends I know that there are less points to make me think he doesnt but they are big points. Really I just wondered what anyone else thought on this as to weather you think he likes me or not, he is a brothers kinda mate so I wonder whether this is why he hasn’t but please any ideas here would be much appreciated, I am so into this guy and I really need to know. Any advice on how you think I should handle this or act towards him will be a big help, im 19 and just want a steady boyfriend but I cant help but like this guy, so please to stop me sending myself crazy want to know whats going on. Thanks Any comments will be greatly appreciated

Answer #1

^^ I disagree…you make him sound like he’s very popular with the ladies, and ya friends like him…he seems like a player, plus you said he hugs you and calls ya name, maybe he do the same things with other girls, and just like you said you19 and need a steady boyfriend

he’s does not sound like one so.

But if you really really like him(I understand how you feel) then just ask him straight up do you like me. I know its hard, but its better knowing then not knowing at all.

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