Does He Like Me?


So there is this guy at my school who is cute and I think he might like me. The reason is because lately he has been staring at me and when I look at him back he turns away. Also I was at a party and when we were like getting cake he was going to take the same piece as me and he let me have it. Mabey it is all an my head or he does like me. lol. Also please say if there is any other ways of telling if a boy likes you or not.

Thanks! xx

Answer #1

Some guys will stare if they like u ; some guys will flirt some guys will be genorious & let you have the piice of cake an some will play hard to get

In my opion I think he does like you ! You should get to know him an start flirting with him let him know you like him but don’t do it in a freak or weird: /embarssing way hope I helped

Answer #2

he might…yuo never know with guys…they are sooo wishy washy…the best way to find out, is to start talking to him..Start random conversations..get to know him, let him get to know you, and things will simply fall into place… to me, it sounds like he likes you…but you were kind of vague.. and it sounds like he wants you to make the first move anyways…so just walk up to him one day, and say…hey what’s up?? I’m _ lol just have fun…and be safe !!! lol good luck with everything =]


Answer #3

It honestly depends.

The only way to find out is to ask him :)

Answer #4

Hi again…

Ummm well the other problem is that he is kinda going out with another girl who is actually in his class ( I am in the same grade but not class ). Are you all still shure he likes me? I wouldn’t like to be annoying if he hates me or something…


Answer #5

Those signs could go either way. He could just do those things to be nice and not have those feelings. I wouldn’t say just yet that he likes you like that. Do you two talk at all? If so just be friends first and talk and if you realize that he’s flirting with you by like messing around with you and teasing you then do it back to him. If you like him show him you’re interested. Talk to him more hang around him more. If he doesn’t feel the same way stay friends. Right now I would say he’s just being nice but you never know put yourself out there.

Answer #6

I think that he probably likes you and is just to shy to admit it to you. and metz is right a lot of times when a guy likes a girl he lets her have something that he might have wanted(cake). and other ways to tell if he might like you might be if he trys to strike up a convo with you, stares at you a lot, asks his friends to maybe find out about you, his friends just start talking to you, something like that. maybe if he asks you to dance at a school dance. hope I helped you. good luck with HIM. hope all goes well and works out for you in the end. good luck! xoxoTina

Answer #7

If he is dating someone else don’t interfere with that. You should have said that in the original question. I wouldn’t go for it because nothing good comes out of it if he’s already dating someone else. Even if he is flirting and likes you he shouldn’t be doing that while dating someone else. What makes you think he wouldn’t just do that to you too. I would move on there are other guys

Answer #8

well its all vague but it seems like he does like you in my opinion, if he all of a sudden just appears to notice you and you catch him staring. other ways to know he likes you is if he starts teasing you infront of his friends, or if he starts making conversation with you, honestly, I think you should start talking to him. he seems shy and maybe he wants to catch him looking at you when you see him, maybe hes just waiting for you to start a conversation- what have you got to lose?? go for it! :)

Answer #9

yeah I agree with loulou11, dont interfere. I think that if he’s already dating someone, then he was just being polite by offering you cake. and I dont know about the he just looking, or like really staring? I dont think he hates you, he just seems like a nice guy. but even if you like him, I would DEFINITELY not act on your feelings if he’s dating someone. if he’s taken, he’s taken… thats just the way it is.

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