Does he have feelings for me or not?

him: lol thats right nickie

me: ha. thats my stripper name

him: O excuse me im sorry super women

me: thats better. I like that name

him: ok nickie

me: you suck. im off duty tonight. haha

him: lol you aint right

me: if im not right, you aint right

him: I no I am not

me: at least you know. But thats what is nice about you. right people are boring. haha

him: I do agree nickie

me: why are you calling me by my slut name? im drinking with tom and susan. feel good. ha

him: not a bad name when I say it. I am your friend and it is a nickname for me. I am going to bed since there is no one to talk to

me: im here

him: yeah but finger getting tired

me: are you home?

him: yes I am

me: you busy?

him: no. watching tv

me: can I join you?

him: if you wish. I am going to bed in about 20 min.s

me: nah your tired.

him: got to work tomorrow

me: I will ttyl

him: ok have a good night nickie

me: you too. love ya

him: love yall to

him: call me tomorrow so we can talk

I text messaged my new number. he texted back. “ok cool”. then 20 min. later he called me asking what I was doing

Answer #1

Hmm, sounds like there might be a lil something something going on. Keep talking and flirting with him and see what happens. :)

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