Does he?

Okay theres this guy and he is two years older than me, and we have been flirting for like a month or, so its not just me other people have noticed that he kinda flirts with me! The problem is I dont know what the guy is thinking. Like I want to go out with him,but I dont want to ruin our friendship, we’ve like known each other for like 5 months. It kinda like where we are at right now, but I dont lol. I really need help with this. How do I know if its just like a little thing to him or if he really likes me? One of the biggest questions in my head is, if he does ask me out, how do I tell my parents? Cause they’ll probably say no cause they dont let me date at this point in my life, they only let me have male friends and I rather not sneak behind there backs because I like having there trust in me.

Answer #1

Tell your friend that you just want to stay friends if he does ask your out and that you might want to be with him when you are older because you don’t want to mess it up by having issues with your parents etc etc. If you do want it though start telling your parents now that there is this guy that likes you but that you aren’t dating him and introduce him slowly to your parents, that way they won’t be shocked when they finally find out.

Also if he really likes you he will be fine with any decision that you make regarding this.

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