does he??

There a boy in my class.he is two weeks older thn mee!! And he got asked by one of mi mates while I was there(although I wasn’t paying attention. I was tlking 2 someone else but overheard) she asked him you fancy louise don’t you and he dint say no or yes he just gave her funny look and raised his eyebrows with a weird smirky/smile. Does that mean he likes me?? Also he actually cuddled me in a nother class but while he cuddled me he sprayed hid deoderant all over my back and bum!! He also follows me if you cn call it that!! Like I sit at a table wi my mate and he usually goes into a games room but when he saw I wasn’t in there he sat on my table and started to tlk to me thn. Then when his mate wanted to go into the games room and he had to follow him he walked behind me and messed wi my hair. Does he like me or is he just ?winding me up/flirting/tryna tll me he likes me?my friends say he dunt tlk 2 any oother girls. and I hven’t seen him.

Answer #1

ah he sounds like he likes you he just flirts like a little kid and hes to shy to tell you to your face

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