Does eating yogurt help with pimples?

Hi I just wanted to know if eating yogurt(dutch lady natural low fat yogurt) would help reduce pimples or something because for the past 4 years I’ve been having a major break out on my cheeks to the extent that there are scars :(..some scars have been here for months already and is still very clear and visible..anyways does eating natural yogurt(dutch lady low fat) help in any way? I know that using it as a mask is another way to help but I need to know if eating helps..please and thank you!

Answer #1

To clear up your skin eat lots of vegetables and fruit and drink lots of water. Start doing this today. I guarantee if you do this for about 2 weeks you’ll see results. I know because I break out when I start slippin into eating junk food or a lot of carbs.

Answer #2

Well, it is stated that probiotics will help keep your complexion clear, but you shouldn’t use that as your only defence, especially if you’re prone to break outs.

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