Does anyone need advice on islam

Does anyone need advice on islam ?? If you do please ask on this

I love to help people about my religion

Answer #1

well you should were a hajab but you dont HAVE to .. its a choice.. but you have to wear a scarf to cover your hair .. and yes it says it in quraan or the books

Answer #2

hi well no souls dont go to hell

if the bad is heavier you go to hell.

First you said souls don’t go to hell then you said bad is heavier then you go to hell. Are you not contradicting yourself?

allah gave the books like quraan bible to the prophet

If it was the same allah who gave both the Bible and the quran the why is there a contradiction between the two books.

we wear headscarfs because every strand of hair a boy see’s you get 1 sin for 1 strand of hair.

Why is it a sin if a boy sees a strand of hair.

who is the prophet … muhammad (s.a.w)

Why are we required to say muhammad? Why not Moses or Elijah or Jeremiah or Isaiah?

which book do you follow … quraan

Why not Bible? After all you say that allah gave the Bible.

when everyone will be standing together worried if they will be going to jannat (paradise) or jahannam (hell.)

Does that mean that no one knows for sure weather he is going to heaven or hell?

what will happen is that the angels on the side of you will put each of the books ( the good and bad one) on a weighin scale and if the bad one is lighter you go to paradise if the bad is heavier you go to hell.

If we all analyze our lives we can know that all of us do bad things more than good ones. The do bad things when we look, when we think, when we are in work place, when we are shopping etc. We do good things when we willfully do them but we do bad things almost all the time. Therefore for most of us (if not all of us) the book of bad will be heavier. Does that mean that we are all going to hell?

Answer #3

I have heard that it is necessary that all female muslims should wear a hajab, but I have also heard that it is not completely necessary, but it is encouraged. When you said that females get one sin for every strand of hair a boy sees, is that written in the Qur’an.

Answer #4

I need advice with my family pertaining to Islam. Its hard to turn to someone when you don’t know if you should tell your family and no one else understands. I’m pretty religious, but my sister isn’t as much. One of my peers saw her doing something sinful…she kissed a guy and this has happened before. My family and I have went through so much and so many problems that started from this. She tends to rebel a lot, but she is a good girl at heart. I don’t know what to do. Am I being a bad muslim by not telling my parents or am I being a bad sister by telling them? I have already told my parents something I was concerned about before, but family is the most valuable thing I have and I don’t want to lose that. Please, any advice?

Answer #5

well ,, first of all why dont you talk to your sister and tell her what she is doing wrong and tell her the punishments she could get for actually doing something like that. if she carrys on I think you should tell your mum or dad who ever is most gentle and talk to them nicely and tell them about your sister.and make sure you tell your mum/dad not to be that harsh on her x if you need any more help let me know

Answer #6

hi well no souls dont go to hell

we belive that at the start only god (allah) was there so he created people the earth and everything. we belive that we are the children of adam (a.s)

allah gave the books like quraan bible to the prophets and the prophets spread the message. the main prophet of islam is Muhammad (s..a.w)

he taught us what we should do and what we should evryone has to angels on each side of them one rights down the good acts you have done and the other rights down the bad things. muslims arent supppose to go out with a person because it is wrong . we wear headscarfs because every strand of hair a boy see’s you get 1 sin for 1 strand of hair.

and when you pass away the angels will come to you and they will ask you the folowoing three questions :

  1. who is your lord … the answer is allah

  2. who is the prophet … muhammad (s.a.w)

  3. which book do you follow … quraan

I know it looks easy but you will only be able to answer them if you have done more good deeds.

and then one day it will be the day of qiyaamah when everyone will be standing together worried if they will be going to jannat (paradise) or jahannam (hell.)

what will happen is that the angels on the side of you will put each of the books ( the good and bad one) on a weighin scale and if the bad one is lighter you go to paradise if the bad is heavier you go to hell.


Answer #7

1 - First you said souls don’t go to hell then you said bad is heavier then you go to hell. Are you not contradicting yourself?

  • Don’t be so cruel to the lil’ girl, my friend :D

2 - If it was the same allah who gave both the Bible and the quran the why is there a contradiction between the two books.

  • ‘Cause The Noble Bible was meant to be valid only during a certain period of time. It was revealed to people whose attention was entirely driven to the materialistic aspect of life. People at that time were so absorbed in life Jesus was sent to them to “slow them down” by awakening things like forgiveness, peace and love inside of them. The Book God revealed to Jesus was filled with much-needed forgiveness and love inorder for the world to survive that certain stage of human history. However, now that the collective mind of humanity is crossing a new level of development, the message of The Noble Bible is becoming too idealistic. The Noble Bible must have meant something for our great grandparents who died 18 hundred years ago, but to us, it is a fairy tale.

I am not saying we no longer need love and forgiveness, but can you imagine the world if The Bible is taken seriously? If everyone turnt the other cheek, do you know what that would mean? Do you know how many cheek-hitters would we have in the world?

  • The Noble Bible is an invitation to people to:
  1. Be things they are not by pretending to forgive when they are not willing to, which even adds more hatred.

  2. Forget about their dignity in the name of forgiveness.

  3. Fear punishment neither in this life nor in the other one. In this life, everyone knows that everyone else would forgive them whether they want it or not ‘cause The Bible according to which they live said that. Now do you have the slightest idea what this world would become if the law that is governing it is THIS forgiving? In the other life, everyone who has believed in Jesus during their life will not be punished ‘cause all their sins have been washed away. Everyone would be like, “Alright, now that I believe in Jesus, I am gonna go do whatever the devil I want!”

  4. Become less interested in knowledge, science, technology, economics, money, trade, music and most other fields of life. Now do you imagine what those who take The Bible a bit too seriously would be less interested in? Yes, life itself!

If we were ruled by The Bible, my friend, we would have a world in which nobody cares about the world.

Living on Earth and living by The Bible are 2 different things.

  • The Noble Quran and The Noble Bible are contradicted ‘cause The Noble Quran is compatible with ALL the stages of human evolution, while The Noble Bible was compatible with only one of them.

The Noble Quran is a REAL book from the one and only REAL God to the REAL humanbeings in the REAL world. Unlike The Bible, it is aware of whom it is addressed to. It is aware of their nature, minds, desires, development and conditions. It does not tell us to do things we cannot do. Our nature, Eternallife, won’t let us be as forgiving as The Noble Bible wants us to be. It’s our nature, my friend. We cannot change it for the sake of a Noble Book - not The Noble Bible, not The Noble Torah, not The Noble Quran. We are even unable to change it for the sake of God Himself. If he wants to change it, he can do that Himself.. and don’t you think by sending us a Holy Book, He is actually trying to tell us to be anything we are not. He would not create us this way in the 1st place. Why would God want us to be anything He Himself didn’t create us as? Why would He punish us for our nature? It was He who created it, wasn’t He? Why would He send us to hell ‘cause of a mistake Adam made? I dunno anybody here on FunAdvice or anywhere else who told Adam to eat from that Goddamn tree! If The Bible was right about God telling just everyone to ask to be forgiven for a sin only Adam and Eve made, then I would be a proud Atheist. The Noble Quran and The Noble Bible are contradicted ‘cause The Noble Bible keeps ignoring the fact that we are HUMANBEINGS while The Noble Quran could not have respected it more.

The Noble Bible is a chef d’œuvre, and I need to be an idiot to say otherwise. The Bible tends to speak only to your passion. It sails in the sea of your feelings, but, sadly, it insists to put your mind aside. It addresses you only as a creature who can feel, but it does not seem to pay any attention to the fact that you can reason, too! Instead of answering your questions, it raises them. Anyone who red The Bible knows what I am talking about. It does not cover your humanity as it continues missing the most important part in you - the part that makes you a human - namely, your mind. The Noble Bible makes you feel things, but it does not make you think, which is the main difference between The Bible and The Quran. The Quran speaks to the ENTIRE you. Instead of waiting for you to ask questions, it asks them for you. The Quran addresses both your brain and your heart. You are Mr/Ms Human to The Quran.

The Noble Quran has never been corrupted, not even a sentence, not even a word, not even a letter. As for The Bible, I believe it was at least partially corrupted. After all, St. Paul was not a prophet. Moreover, every time a written text is translated, the real meaning changes and The Noble Bible is no exception.

The Noble Quran was written by God, and all what Muhammad did was giving it to people. But it was humanbeings who wrote The Bible, and here is one thing I know about humanbeings: They do not write anything as it is - They write it as THEY UNDERSTAND IT which is NOT necessarily what God meant.

If God had wanted The Bible to survive, He would have written it Himself. He would not have made that anyone’s responsibility. God wanted The Bible to survive uncorrupted only for some time until its job is done, and it was.

The Bible we have now does not totally come from God. It is the sum of what is left from the word of God plus people’s impressions.

The part that is consisted of what is left from the word of God does not and cannot contradict with The Noble Quran. For example: Love your enemies is a priority in my belief.

The Bible as a Holy Book has expired, what we have now is a piece of art.

The Noble Quran is the new version of The Noble Bible. It’s the true Bible, and like Knud Holmboe, the Danish Writer, puts it, Islam is the true Christianity.

3 - Why is it a sin if a boy sees a strand of hair.

  • ‘Cause a woman’s body is something so valuable it should not be put under everyone’s sight. A Muslim woman must think that if a man wants to see her body, he has to work hard for it. Now the man who does work hard just to see your hair (not in a perv way) would certainly do his best to keep you always happy and safe. You, being a woman, are too pretty to be shown. You are too precious to sleep in random beds. By wearing your hijab, you are saving yourself to your prince charming, your future lover, your husband-to-be. He knows that the only way he can have you is by marrying you which will cost him much efforts and money according to your requests. No man would go through that unless he really loves you. If this is not real love, then I dunno what real love is. By being a true Muslim woman, you are respecting your own womanhood and forcing everyone else to respect it, too. If this is not self-love, then I dunno what self-love is.

4 - Why are we required to say muhammad? Why not Moses or Elijah or Jeremiah or Isaiah?

  • ‘Cause Muhammad is the last prophet. You can’t actually believe in him unless you have believed in the other prophets already. Saying Muhammad includes other prophets.

5 - Does that mean that no one knows for sure weather he is going to heaven or hell?

  • Yes.

6 - Why not Bible? After all you say that allah gave the Bible.

  • I answered that earlier in this post.

7 - If we all analyze our lives we can know that all of us do bad things more than good ones. The do bad things when we look, when we think, when we are in work place, when we are shopping etc. We do good things when we willfully do them but we do bad things almost all the time. Therefore for most of us (if not all of us) the book of bad will be heavier. Does that mean that we are all going to hell?

  • My friend, that is what repentance is for. It, not the death of Jesus, erases our sins.

Moreover, God’s mercy is something so big and so wide we can’t even calculate or imagine. Such endless mercy will play a great role in the Day Of Judgment. It comes before His justice and many of us are gonna go to Heaven ‘cause of that.

8 - allah - the Bible and the quran - muhammad? Why not Moses or Elijah or Jeremiah or Isaiah?

  • This is extremely impolite of you.

Seeing that through all of your msgs you seemed to pay much attention to your punctuation, I do not understand why you suddenly decided to start the words Allah, Quran and Muhammad with small letters. I wonder what you gave up the accuracy of your punctuation for. Insulting my belief? What kind of a sick behavior is that? Until you apologize, I will be feeling sorry for respecting you.

Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #8

1 - Do you believe that souls go to hell?

1 - If I am a bad person, I will go to hell after I die. That means The WHOLE me will go to hell - Both my flesh and my soul.

It’s very hard to imagine any different scenario. If my flesh alone goes to hell, where should I expect my soul to end up in? Heaven? That does not make sense ‘cause both my soul and that of a good person can’t end up in the same place; it would be unfair. Will my soul just vanish? I do not think so either, ‘cause it is still unfair that one part of me goes to hell while the other do not. If my soul vanishes, then what is left of me will not be enough to be properly punished.

If I am a bad person, that means both my body and my soul have been bad, then how come one of them do not go to hell?

God gamme the soul on Earth, why would He take it away from me in the afterlife? After I die, my flesh will decay, so what will I have left if my soul, too, is taken away?

Here is what I know about my soul:

  1. It’s a part of me.
  2. It’s abstract.
  3. It’s not limited by the mortality of my flesh.
  4. It’s what makes my flesh alive.

2 - Why are there so many names for God?

2 - Here is a question that was posted here a couple of months ago:

  • If a god made this amazing, incredible, intricate universe he must be something so incredible we cant think of. Maybe no one on this earth is right. *

And that was my answer:

  • You have just identified humanity’s most fatal mistake of all times.

We can know God. We can feel God. We can think about/of God. But, we cannot IMAGINE God. He is too great for us to imagine. He is too big to be covered by our brains. He is unlimited, and we are unable to conceive unlimitedness, ‘cause we have no example of it in this universe. Everything here is relative, God is the only absolute being. You can’t expect relative creatures who use relative minds in a universe where everything is relative to imagine God who’s absolutely absolute.

Our brains are designed so that they can understand everything in their level/dimension, and by their level I mean the universe. Nothing in this level/dimension (ie universe) is more powerful than our brains. But when it comes to God, the one who has created all the levels, all the dimensions and all the universes (if there exists any other than ours), then our minds come to a stop. They can reach God, prove His existence and think about Him, but they just cannot imagine Him.

Now here is our mistake.. we have always been trying to force our brains to do the only thing they can’t do, namely imagining God. We have always tried to picture Him, to limitize Him, to make Him relative so we can understand and define Him. God incarnate is a very common thing in the history of mankind. For example, when earlier Christians wanted to imagine God, they decided to put Him in something visible, familiar and relative - a humanbeing. They transformed Jesus from a prophet of God to a form of God, to a son of God, to God Himself. The same mistake is being made over and over again in almost all beliefs across history.

Can’t we just get it? God is not something to imagine. God is something to understand, to reason, to think about and to feel. *

Now how come God tells me to worship Him while the brain He has given me is not capable of knowing much about Him?

Answer: God told us about Himself and His attributes. We do not have to try and conclude them ourselves.. well, except for mental pleasure :D

He revealed His words in the form of Holy Books (The Noble Torah, The Noble Bible and The Noble Quran) by His prophets (Moses, Jesus and Muhammad). Among what was revealed are His many names. Actually, they are more of attributes. They are all what we need to know about God. They are called the 99 most beautiful names of God. They are many ‘cause they describe the Creator.

3 - is it God (Allah) that spoke about covering up the body and face especially for women or was that just something the prophet chose for people to practice?? Was that just how your religion interprets something said in the Quran?

3 - The prophet never told people what to do. He only delivered God’s message to them. Sometimes, he explained what people found hard to understand. The Sunnah, which is everything Muhammad said, did or approved, is no more than an interpretation of the Noble Quran. Muhammad himself is a humanbeing like you and me. He is what you can call a standard Muslim. I think if The Noble Quran was a man, it would be Muhammad. However, that does not mean he is allowed to choose what people practice ‘cause he is a prophet not a God.

So yeah, it is God who told women to cover their bodies except their faces and hands (Why would God tell anyone to cover their face?!)

A true Muslim woman should look like a nun. She does not have to dress in black though.

4 - in Muslim countries why is kissing and affection in public frowned upon?

4 - Whatever a mother thinks is inappropriate for her child to see, is inappropriate to take place in public in the Islamic society.

Do you think it is okay for your child to see 2 people making out?

Keep your head high up Greetings from Egypt! Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #9

to reproduce and carry on the survival of your species

Answer #10

I still defianately do not believe that any part of us goes to Hell on the judgement of God though. Your flesh is recycled into the physical world and your soul returns to the un physical world. Your soul is separate to your body it just uses it as a vehicle in this earthly life. God is loving. God is love. God does not punish you but God is Just ,therefore if you have commited bad deeds your soul may be full of guilt and you then cause yourself to be separated from God until you submit yourself to going back to him. Thts what Hell stands for. Absense of God. (which ovbiously cant happen truly because God is everywhere but its more of an ignorance even in spirit existence. It is miserable not entering the Light of God . That is the punishment but it is brough on yourself

Answer #11


Answer #12

allah gave the other books aswell but they got changed the only one that did not get changed is the holy quraan

How are you sure that the Bible was corrupted and the quran was not corrupted.

*because were not suppose to talk to boys that we can marry .

You said seeing a strand of hair is a sin. My question is why is that a sin? Now you are suddenly talking about talking to a boy.

because mohaamed is his real name

My question was when the angel asks us who your prophet is, why should we say mohaamed and why not any other prophets name? You ave caught on to real names and false names. That is not yet the answer to the question.

Answer #13

lol its a goood religion its just other people start a fight on it

Answer #14

I always wondered why Islam breeds so much violence.

Answer #15

well no one knows if you are going to heaven or hell.

allah gave the other books aswell but they got changed the only one that did not get changed is the holy quraan

because were not suppose to talk to boys that we can marry .

because mohaamed is his real name moses is moosa like dah

Answer #16

Do you believe that souls “go to hell”?
Why are there so many names for God? is it God (Allah) that spoke about covering up the body and face especially for women or was that just something the prophet chose for people to practice?? Was that just how your religion interprets something said in the Quran? in Muslim countries why is kissing and affection in public frowned upon?


Answer #17

my dad died from cancer 2 months ago I’m muslim unfortunely I was’nt there every1 told me how he had light in his grave and he died in ramdan and friday I just wannt know if my dad is in heaven cause his last month of his life was so painful

Answer #18

God says that inorder not to attract men with our hair or body..iam way too much religious it has been a year and i used to wear everything but now i wear dresses but iam not wearing hijab because i dont feel like iam attracting men i dont show my body i dont talk to them or look at them and make eye contact or stuff if it wont be neccessary i wont talk to them so what is my sin? even if i talk to them i consider guys like my brother and i do respect them i do what god asks us to do its just i dont war hijab.

Answer #19

we are required to say MUHAMMED s.a.w because all the prophets knew the last messenger will be mohammed or ahmed s.a.w and every messengers had said that to their people that the xatmalanbya (last messenger ) will be muhammed other messengers were for a trib for a mw3ain place for example messenger lout (r.a) was a messenger for his own trip named lout god asked him to remind his people and frighten them to give up for the sin that men used to have sex with eachother , messenger yousuf (joseph) was a messenger of egypt ,messenger swlaiman was in Yumen and around Yumen they werenot the messengers of all the world but mohammed in the messenger of all the world for us and demon… dont have to swear to make you believe me because you guys know the realities and just deny it and running away from it iam sayin what is the reality

i respect bible the messengers the books … because god asks us to do so but i have no reason to leave quraan things are clear

Answer #20

god says himself that quraan will be protected till youmalqyama the end of life you can see it yourself? what happened to quraan ? no one could changed one single verse you can read quraan swrah baqaara verse 22 to 24 read it …. ask questions its good but dont ask questions and dont answer them yourself without evidence.

an angel asks us who ur prophet is…believe it or not every single person on this earth should believe in mohammed and god ( i have evidence) if some one has not know about muslim yet you can see there are people in the world still have no clue about islam its not their fault mohammed s.a.w says if some one didnt know about my religion and my verses God will judge him according to his own religion… but denyin it??? well i think you know that well

Answer #21

Because we believe that it isn’t. How can you be so sure the Bible isn’t distorted?Because you believe it isn’t. Beliefs,right?

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