Does anyone Know what this song is?

Does anybody have a clue to what this song could be…it has two versions,one was sung by a man I’m pretty sure is Usher or Nelly,and the other is sung by a woman,in which I dont know the name,but she’s supposed to be telling the”true story” of why they broke up.There is a lot of cursing in her version,but you can get it edited.If anyone has a clue to what this could possibly be,please answer,I really need to know.Even if you are not totally sure please leave anything you can think of,a song title anything.I only remember a little phrase of the song and I remember that it’s at the beginning of the song it goes either ‘I dont know why’ or “I dont know but” thanks -britnaynay0813

Answer #1

Are you talking about this song? I don’t remember who sings the female version.

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