Does anyone else feel the same?

Okay, I dont mean to sound all “emo” and depressed and all that shiz, but I really am falling apart atm. I’m fed up of living to please everyone else but me ! Its horrible. And I dont feel like I excist. Is that normal? I dont feel like a person. Like I don’t matter to anyone. I’m just one person from billions. That means nothing. When ever someone tells me they love me I cant believe it. I cant take compliments, I just break down in tears because I think they’re lying. But the strangest thing is not believing I actually am a person. I look in the mirror and can’t believe it’s me staring back. I have a name, and a family and a room in a house, but it’s not me. When I walk down the street no one can see me. I’m fed up of this. Whats going on?? Help please?? Thanks Xoxo

Answer #1

I’m really sorry you are so down on yourself. I think you need some major building of self-respect, self-esteem, and self-confidence. You DO matter. You can build up a better self image by doing something you like. Pick anything you like to do whether it is playing a musical instrument, playing a sport, drawing, painting your nails or telling jokes. Practice it a lot and set little goals to reach along the way. Surround yourself with people you love. You have loved ones because you are worth something and people want to be with you because they enjoy your company. Also, do something to help another person. If you are good at school you can tutor someone younger than you. I used to tutor teenagers with Downs-Syndrome and it was very rewarding and I also made friends with them that way. It was a win-win situation. You can read to a blind person, feed a person (literally) who isn’t able to feed themselves, or help a neighbor with mowing their lawn or picking their weeds. When you help out other people you will feel more “worth something” because you are making a direct difference in their lives. Spend time with nature. Go to a lake, climb a mountain, swim in the ocean. Nature itself is healing. If you don’t find an improvement in yourself after doing all these things, see a therapist if you feel that would be beneficial to you. Never give up. Much love and I send my blessing. Peace :)

Answer #2

aww. you do sound depressed. I used to feel that way a long time ago. But then I started hanging out with my friends more, and they helped to put a smile on my face :). maybe you should try hanging out with your family or really close friends. Usually when you do that it makes you feel better and notice that you are a real person that deserves to be happy. Good luck.

Answer #3

I think your just lonely. Fortunately there’s a way to fix this get involved with stuff play a sport, join a club, MAKE your presence known. It’s never as bad as we think it is, try calling an old friend. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself either though, just try to do things that make you happy and content. And lastly Fau, smile more. Good Luck

Answer #4

I feel like that sometimes:(…but zimmyzzimmyzoomzoom is rite it helps to hang out w/ your family or friends:)

Answer #5

I know how you feel… It sucks… it could be because of verbal abuse if you were or are verbaly abused by your parents or loved ones… thats why im like that… because I was verbaly abused by my dad and step mom untill I was 12… so I feel like that now… I feel liek its impossible for anyone to love me… like im worth nothing… and every time I get close to someone I feel like its not me and I am not capable of bieng loved…

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