What is this Starbucks song?

I am in love with a barstist its like a coffee song 4 ppl that work at starbucks I know its out there but I can find it any where!

Answer #1

Normally inside of a Starbucks they play whatever the promotional CDs at the time are…So you should be able to ask the baristas what CDs have been playing. Since the same songs get played over and over again in there they might know. They also probably have the CD inside the store. Thats the point of the promotion. Hear Music has a huge selection of music and the website is not the easiest to navigate. There was a CD a while back called Off the Clock that featured starbucks workers that are in bands. Maybe one of those could be the song that you are looking for although I do not remember that lyric.

Answer #2

it might be a little hard to locate that song with just a title, and even more so if it’s a coffee shop song because they play alot of unkown bands. so the easiest way to go about finding out what the artist’s name is is by going to the starbucks website http://www.starbucks.com and looking to see the songs they play and looking for what you’ve heard.

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