Does a tattoo hurt?

I’m getting a tattoo on my 17th birthday. How bad does it hurt to get a tattoo on your lower back? I want to get one like in this picture, but I am not good with pain at all. Are their ways to make it not hurt as bad? Just a question, can you get a tattoo if your pregnant?

Answer #1

it depends on your pain tolerence and were it is tatoos hurt on different parts of your body but at 17 you shoulnt be allowed to get a tattoo so if your getting it donrt profesionaly, and your not 18, then what the tattooist is doing is illegal, and if any problems occure from it, it can put a hole in that persons reputation. I wouold suggest you wait a bit longer, theres no rush but if you dont want to wait, make sure youll still want it 2, 10, 40 years down the track and as for the pregnant part, its not advised the ink sinks through the skin, and ccan cause some problems like sue90 has said and could affect your baby. so if you are pregnant try and wait untill after youve had it

Answer #2

Okayy everyone, I’m not pregnant. I was “JUST WONDERING” not trying to sounds mean or anything, but thanks for all the advice.

Answer #3

yea kinda it just feels like when you get a shot in the arm but it keeps going in deeper and out so yeah

Answer #4

I have a pic of puma(cat thing) on my back like your pic it really hurts but looks good.

Answer #5

That’s where I got my first tattoo. I got it when I was 13. Well the only part that really hurt was when it hit the sides and the spine. My tattoo is a huge butterfly. After awhile I got used tothe pain. And I couldn’t even feel the coloring. But I also have a high pain tolerance. So its all up to what you can take.

Answer #6

Dear hxcbbygrl69, If you are pregnant it is not recommended to get a tattoo. The body chemistry changes and you could have a temporary allergic reaction to the ink. Also if you are not good with pain and it hurts the trauma can effect the baby. Now saying all that…people think that tattoos hurt but they shouldn’t. If you are having it done by a professional with good equipment you should feel next to no pain and very little discomfort. The more fatty the area the less you should feel it…so up against bone might hurt. Again…I don’t understand why people will go to a tattoo artist if they are told there is pain during their inking??? There should be next to none or I would say they are not good at their job…like a nurse who give a needle, if she hurts you she isn’t doing her job properly. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

you shouldent while you are pregnant you should wait till you have the baby

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