do you think this was mean?

okay so last night I was at a friends house, and she has an older sister who had a party, im friends with a bunch of high school guys. they got on my account and started IMing my boyfriend saying that I wanted to break up.(I didnt really(it was a joke)) he got so mad that he broke up with me- I just let it happen, do you think that was mean of me?

Answer #1

It sounds like you don’t respect your EX boyfriend. For a start I am sure he would be annoyed yo you were hanging around with boys and then you go and humiliate him in front of them all by saying you wanted to finish. no wonder he dumped you.

if this is going to worry you need to tell him it was a big mistake and that you don’t want to split up.

Answer #2

that is kinda harsh unless you didnt want him and you not to work and break up anyways

but the fact your friends were iming him and doing it isnt right they should know better since they are high school boys and they SHOULD be mature about relationships and even if they were joking they made him break up with you BUT you should of explained that it was your friends and that you were sorry you should of told him that wasnt you because what if you have feelings for him still,? are you gonna deal with the fact that your guy friends made him dump you and you let him go,?

Answer #3

maturity is key. Would you like that done to yourself?

Answer #4

horrible thing to do. obveiously you didnt care about him.

Answer #5

no, so what do I do now?!

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