Do you think miley cyrus is really pregnant

If you dont well she is I was reading something today and it said she was it said she even admitted it in an inter view

Answer #1

Its totally expected from her

I wouldnt doubt it & if she is

she broke that suppose promise she had made

that she was gunna stay a virgin till marriage

Answer #2

Hey mj the pregnancy rumours have been going since september last year and apparently were brought up again in a magazine j-14 where she apparently made a comment possibly confirming the pregnancy her manager has confirmed that all of these rumours are completely untrue and the mylie pregnancy myth is completely fabricated :)

Answer #3

Where’s this interview that she admitted it on? When I see HER actually say shes pregnant, I’ll believe it. People like to make things up saying there’s interview and bla bla bla… lets see it:)

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