Do you think Michael Jackson was murdered

I remain neutral of this but what are your thoughts of it

Answer #1

Oh damn it leave Michael Jackson the hell alone…Geez people…You people still cant stop talking about him ever AFTER he is DEAD…That kinda pisses me off…Now they are saying really bad things about M.J…Not just about that drugs…Ugh…Just leave him alone… let him Rest in peace without people havin to say something about him every freakin day…

Answer #2

no.he just killed himself…not suicide…but all the things he did to himself. too many surgerys and drugs

Answer #3

It could be…I was noticing in one of Beyonce’s says …it’s too bad, Michael Jackson…and it came out only a little while before he died…it could be a coincidence.

Answer #4

No, he did not murder himself. If he did kill himself with pills, at least it wasn’t on purpose. Michael Jackson had everything he could possibly wanted. It makes me sad to think that Michael had died ALMOST a month ago and people are still on his back about him dying. How could he rest in peace if everybody won’t leave him alone. He’s dead and there is nothing you could do about it.

Answer #5

I don’t think so. He was a drug addict.

Answer #6

did anyone understand what muzikfitness wrote.

Answer #7

well I dont no really maib it was an acetent maib he wasnt ment to die!


Answer #8

absolutley it was his own fault though for asking/allowing that doctor to inject him with drugs.

but I do think the doctor shoul go down for murder because he is the one who injected the drugs into micheal jackson that killed him.

its illegal to obtain these drugs outside of a hospital. and the doctor knew better than to do what he was doing.

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