do you think I play this to much?

well am playing WoW ( world of warcraft). I have to say it amazing. I been playing for 2 day am already level 16.I play in a total of 1 day. about over 5 hour+. do I play this to much?

Answer #1

you could find a better way to enjoy the game,saving a lot of time and effort on farming gold,stuff like that,you could go to buy wow gold,and do the powerleveling according to the leveling guide and earn some money using your trade skill by selling stuff, I know a great website which they provide their members free leveling guide and trade skill guide,I think it will help you with leveling they also sell wow gold and accounts is a really realibale web,I have used them for more then 3years,they have a really fast delivery and a good cusomer service,

Answer #2

5 hours is a lot. It’s not good to stay locked in a room for such a long time and it can really strain your eyes.

Answer #3

na itsz wateversz haha I have that game add me as a player my characters name is liltraviesa ill try da get on later today k =]

Answer #4

its not good for you but for most wow players its about normal i was on more than that when i first started and i prolly will be agin when catty comes out

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