Do you like the song what about now by Daughtry?

Do you like the song What about now by Daughtry?Omg I always love Daughtrys songs its always touching my heart and I feel like his always trying to send a good message to people,and how do you want to make a difference in the world???

Answer #1

I first heard that song when I was calling my friend’s mom. She has that song on her phone so when you call, instead of listening to the ringing, the caller hears ‘What about now’. When I heard it, I thought it was amazing and asked my friend what the song was called. I now have the song in my favorites on Youtube. I love the song! :) When I hear it, I feel a weird feeling; it’s certainly not a bad feeling though. Glad to see other people like it. Another song that I love like What about now is ‘Heaven’ by DJ Sammy.

I want to help animals and people by having a low-cost Veterinary emergency hospital mainly for dogs, cats, and horses. Of course I will help other animals like ferrets, rabbits, snakes, etc. Hopefully other people will help so it’s not a seemingly impossible goal. I have a good start; I’m volunteering at an animal shelter and have been for almost a year! (I’m thirteen and you have to be thirteen to volunteer)

Answer #2

I like DAUGHTRY! Like and this song but for me #1 is “ITS NOT OVER”

Answer #3

yes it’s #1 in the U.S. I listen to top 40 every saturday on 92.9

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