Do you do that?

my english class was talking bout this in class. We all notices that when we are like in a new class or at lunch in school, we go straight to someone of our race. We really dont go talk to another group of race. Well, except me. So, my question is do you do that? like go straight to a person your own race when you are in school or somewhere else?

Answer #1

No… but then I’ve always had more friends of other races than my own… and they were from all over the world… comes from going to an international school I guess

Answer #2

well were all hispanics and black so ima bit of both and I never met a caucasion before so I guess I dont I mean if there was like an arab person or chinese or caucassion person I would say hi and talk 2 them

Answer #3

Well, I kinda just talk to the person nearest me because I have no social qualms, but I’ve been guilty of seeking out “the metal kids” and befriending them first.

Answer #4

I’d like to disagree, but in my area, we’re all caucasian so it’s never been an issue.

However, I had friends back in college who were a variety of different races and I loved them all…still do!

Answer #5

wow I never realized this but that is absolutely true in our school but yea, I guess I do do that wow.

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