Do you believe in miracles and ghosts?

Do you believe in miracles? if yes why…


do you believe that when someone dies there spirit stays here on earth with us… (simply do you believe in ghosts?)

Answer #1

Yes, I do believe in miracles. I don’t believe in fate or destiny, we make our own “fate”. Ghosts - until 8 months ago, I would have said “no”. I now say “yes”.

Answer #2

im with baldwinwolf on this one exsept I dont believe in fate the differnce between fat and destiney is with fate thereis no ecape no way to change it. with destiney its the path your on changable and even ignorable. life and the future is still up to you.

Answer #3

yes, I do. I will not answer why because I will not get involved in bashing just because of what I believe in.

Answer #4

The term “the jury is still out” mean “undecided.” They’ve yet to decide whether or not they believe in ghosts.

As for me, I believe in miracles. Some may play it off as “God’s Will.” As for that, well, “the jury is still out.” Ghosts, I’m not too terribly sure, yet. Some say when you get that chill that runs down your spine it’s actually a ghost passing through you? Does that mean that sometimes they do it for fun or are they trying to announce their presence?

Hmmm, a couple unanswerable questions.

Answer #5

I don’t believe in miracles, I do however believe in “fate” and “destiny”- things happen for a reason, they may seem “miraculous” sometimes- but simply ‘fate” and “destiny” at work.

yes I believe in what is commonly termed as ghosts, I believe when we die- our energy gets recycled, and sometimes that energy can get trapped and manifest as an apparition of someone who once lived.

I do not just simply believe in ghosts- I have seen a few. and experienced “paranormal” occurances.

Answer #6

No and no - there’s no evidence whatsoever for either of them.

Answer #7

umm ghost I dont really noe ummm sumtimes but of course I belive in miracles!!!

Answer #8

miracles yes, of course, absolutely!! :) ghosts.. im still debating.

Answer #9

Nobody is bashing anyone… we are all entitled to our opinions.

Answer #10

what does it mean by jury is still out ont he ghosts?

Answer #11

No, it’s superstitious nonsense.

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