Do you believe

Okay they say I am a sensitive and I don’t know if any of my friends will like me if I show them. Also I have been getting scratched I am at my grandmaws and it happens to her to can you help us?

Please We Need Help, sarah

Answer #1

you can pour salt in a straight line in front of each door and window. Leave the front door open and unsalted then in a strong commanding voice “ say” I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, you are dead and need to go to the light of God” I command you to leave this house and property to never return again!” then stand back away from the front door,,,wait a bit you should see, hear or smeall something leave by way of the front door…when you feelt they are all gone, then close the door and pour the salt in a straight line from right side of the door to the left side of the door on the floor of couse…

My advise worked for a guy that had a tone of ghost…it is worth a try if you have ghost…

Answer #2

Try telling them to go away and rest in peace. Tell them to just leave you alone. That’s what I heard on tv anyway cause I find that stuff interesting. Like lately like out of the corner of my eye I see a man in black. Freeeakky!!!

Answer #3

does she have any animals? like a cat or somethng if your friends wont listen or like you then you need to get new ones

Answer #4

wierd. They only thing Im going to say is if they are your true friends they will always be there for you and not make fun of you and judge you. If they do then they probably arent very good friends and you dont need them. As for being scratched thats kinda wierd, I know I always get random scratches that I have no idea where they came from but it really can be anything. Do you itch in your sleep, thats where I realized mine are coming from. I never knew I itched a lot in my sleep until I got married and my husband told me, that explained my mysterious scratch marks. I itch because I have dry skin and it runs in my family so hopefully that helps. I dont think its a ghost like someone else said, but then again I dont believe in ghosts…

Good luck

Answer #5

thats wierd… maybe ts a ghost… your friends are crap if they wont like u

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