Do you think we should leave the middle east?

Do you think we should leave the middle east? If so, why? If not, why the hell not?

Answer #1

No, Israel - God’s chosen people - her enemies are doomed - check the Bible.

Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Not until there is a stabilization in that area.

Answer #3

Seems that leaving the Middle East might get a tad sticky…on today’s news…the US’s punishment from Russia for supporting Georgia? Russia is going to “help” Iran with their nuclear development…

Answer #4


I appreciate your comment, seriously =)

but if one checks the Bible, certainly its not evident that the US, or any other country for that matter, has a responsiblity to reclaim the middle east?

Answer #5

We certainly need to reduce our visibility over there. Right now we are being seen as imperialists to many in the region. It is not so much our actual presence (other than Iraq) as it is our influence and policies. I don’t expect to see much change in that in the near future. The only thing that will change that is to reduce our need for foreign oil. Until then, we must deal with them.

ambliessed: “No, Israel - God’s chosen people - her enemies are doomed - check the Bible.”

ohh.. that’s helpful… Why can’t you keep your superstitions out of real world discussions. They are irrelavant.

Answer #6

yes! its stupid.. the war was based on false information, we’re hurting them more than helping. go obama!!!

Answer #7

So far our meddling in Middle East affairs hasn’t gone so well. We certainly need to stop trying to run other nations.

Answer #8

I just want my friends back=[

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