Do yall think im crazey

ok well I’ve been dating the same person on and off for six years. He is the first boy I’ve ever been in love with and we shared so many things together. an I know he loves me to but he has a new girlfriend. she dosent want him talkin to me so he onley talks to me when no ones around and always uses me as his rebound. but for some reason I keep going back to him even though I know he just going to use me.

Answer #1

it’s not crazy, but it can be dangerous in the long run. when you said rebound, a red flag immediately flashed in front of me. I know you’re attached to him, but you’re basically labeling yourself as a “rebound”. it’s okay do be good friends with him, still talk on the phone or even the internet, but you got to move on. he doesn’t sound like Mr. Right. so, do you want to go on and find someone for you only, or do you want to continue sharing a guy? cause that’s what you’re doing. it’s not going to be easy, but just try finding someone else. I don’t want you to get hurt in the future because of this.

Answer #2

I don’t think you’re crazy - you are obviously attached to him. But you really need to do whats best for you in this situation and remember nothing good for you is going to come out of this. If he truly cared about you he wouldn’t be off with another girl. You deserve someone who is all about you and only you. You’re time will come just be patient even though its hard sometimes.

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