Do woman shave pussy hair

do woman shave pussy hair ? I did but it’s so so itch .. could you please tell me how to take care them ?

Answer #1

DO what YOU want. For gods sake girls. It’s OUR bodies. Girls on here are always asking should I shave MY pubes for guys? Errr. Why should you change yourself for lads? And no there are no benifits to having no pubes, either hygenically or physically. But hey if you want to look like a pornstar :/. Reasons to not shave:

  1. it itches like crazy.
  2. those little red bumps are uglier than hair.
  3. makes you look like a child
  4. once you do it, you have to do it more regurally to produce the same effect.
  5. you’re sensitive ‘down there’ - chemicals in shaving foam and soap are great for changing the pH of your vagina - making it a great place for bacterica such as thrush.
  6. ARGH - what if you slip ? :/
  7. stubble isn’t sexy - and it will be there after like a day.
  8. Errr, it’s there for a reason ?
  9. barely anyone sees it.
  10. what would your mother say ?

Men think it’s disgusting to have pubes - FALSE. If they LOVE you, which they bloody well should if they are getting to see your vagina - they won’t care. And I can promise you that, I’ve seen it. Plus they have pubes don’t they? If they are so disgusting why do they have them ? Hmm.

My advice - trim it with scissor, much safer that way. And can still look neat without looking slutty.

Answer #2

I dont want to get too into this but: dont shave, it protects you down there from bacteria. its like eyelashes. eyelashes protect your eyes as does hair down there.

Answer #3

lol ummm I disagree with taylorlee. if you want to shave, shave it means your well groomed and neat if it itches try waxing if that hurts (I can imagine it will) then just trim the hair down there

if on the other hand, you prefer not to shave thats fine its your preference I guess but in my opinion its best to shave, because it makes the person feel a whole lot more cleaner and as I said “well groomed”

so to answer your question; some do and some dont.

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