Do we have any hereticaster here?

Do we have any hereticaster here. . .

Answer #1

^^ And I don’t blame you. But mealw, why would you ask such a question - seems a bit inciteful, as if you’re looking for a fight.

Answer #2

:) They’d be on my list of those to nuke outright.

Answer #3

Anyone here heard of the Anguish Languish. example: Horse waif enjoin toil evasion.

Answer #4

Uh, might seem like a silly question, but what exactly is a hereticaster? I looked for it on wiki and got nothing.

Answer #5

Yittish, Piglatin, Vulcan, and Binary…

Answer #6

Will you seek out the polyglots next?

Answer #7

Just having fun with odd words. . . .

Answer #8

And what language should I search in?

Answer #9

Wow, a judgement all wrapped up nicely as a question.

If you are just looking for a debate on religion, thank you but I respectfully decline.

Have a nice day.

Answer #10

a petty or contemptible heretic

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