Do you think he's too old for me?

I jsut turned 17 im january and my boyfriend is 24. My friends tell me hes to old. But I dont like guys my age there little boys I dont want to babysit. I want a prefer a man that can take care of himself. Is that bad??

Answer #1

no its not bad at all. my cousin is sixteen and she is with a 25 year old.

if you like him / love him it should be fine there is nothing wrong with going out with an older man just as long as its what you want and that he doesnt mess you around or make you do anything you dont want to.

but its not up to me to judge you or your boyfriend.

but anyway good luck and hope I helped. xxbubblesxx

Answer #2

I believe it matters how mature you are. I mean if you’re 15 I would never go beyond 19 or 20 but if you’re 13 and think you’re mature enough to date a 21 year old…you’re just stupid…but at 17 you could be mature enough to date into early 20s. So yeah I think you might be alright even though legally it’s wrong. Hold off of the sex for awhile though. Older guys know that younger women give it up easier…

Answer #3

No It’s not bad at all. I was 17 when I met the guy I’m talking to now I’m 18, and he’s 22 almost 23. But he’s always busy.

Answer #4

sounds like you have your mind made up already. why seek approval?

Answer #5

When I was 15 I would date 20 year olds so I don’t think its bad. Now I’m 18 an I date who ever I feel like dateing don’t matter any more.

Answer #6

um ok that girl’s cousin’s 16 with a 25 year old?that kinda nasty,scary.but no I think it’s OK

Answer #7


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