Do I tell her how I feel?

I’ve been working with this woman for nearly three years now, and to this point we have had some social interaction outside of the office. Limited to mostly casual work events, I summoned up the courage to ask her out (as a friend) about 6 months ago and we had a nice dinner. Mostly talking about anything and everything, it seemd like we had a good time together.

Here is where my dilemma is. Since then, I have developed a pretty solid crush. Ahh, what it feels to be a teenager again! She has not hidden her failed dates with men in the past, and I have also shared my mini-disasters. Included in my dating past was an unfortunate few months where I dated a co-worker at our same place of employment- she knew my ex and called me an “idiot” for getting involved. (I wholeheartedly agree with her assessment as well)

As I am currently looking for a new place of employment, and she is less than happy with her role in the company slightly changing, I think Im ata crossroads to let her know that I feel more for her than as ‘just friends’.

Do I wait until one of us has our new place of employment? Do I say anything at all before then?

Thank you, J

Answer #1


U know her better then n e of us.. is she a type that can handle alot of things at once.. If ur sayin shes changin employment, then thats kinda Huge.. If changin employment happens slowly , say in a coupla months time, then i think u should go talk to her and tell her how u feel.. and well if she totally like blows u off, Ud be outta the same work place..

However, if its like a a few weeks and she’s changin employment, i think yah should give her some time to adjust with her new place.. and then tell her..

Bottom line though, Either way, tell her U like her, tell her its more than friends… Just make sure u pick a time when she’s not stressin about work or n e thing, cos she may just listen but not as Attentively if she was not busy


Answer #2

What’s the worst that will happen if you tell her? Are you worried about her saying no? Most women would be flattered to hear that someone has a crush on them!

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