do I or don't I

send my mum a mothers day card, I haven’t seen her or spoken to her for 5 weeks I was moved out by my school and made to live with my dad because of the way I was treated by her, but do I send her a mothers day card?

Answer #1

If you want to, go ahead. Don’t feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do.

She obviously didn’t treat you well, so it’d be understandable for you to not send her one.

Answer #2

well now that you dont live with her it might be easier when you say she treated you badly like what did she do ??? (if you want you can reply to me personally you dont have to) it depends how sever what she did to you was and how emotionally ready you are to send her a card

Answer #3

Try walking a mile in her shoes. Are there circumstances in her life and growing up that may have caused her to be less than a perfect mother?

Maybe give her the benefit of the doubt.

Send her a Mother’s Day card and hope that it shows to her that the door is still open between you and her and that all is not lost between the two of you.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #4

that’s all up to you sweetheart

Answer #5

of course she is yourmother and you obvioously love her still,she will always be your mother regardless,

Answer #6

Forgive, Love, send the card.

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