Do I have a religion?

I pray and thank god for what I have, I went to sunday school for like a year than just stopped going. Over the years I have gone to different churches with friends but I havent gotten baptized or anything like that. So I was wondering if I have a religion or not..

Answer #1

Yeah. Im the same way and I consider myself christian.

Answer #2

I guess you are not paying attention.

I guess you’re still an idiot.

Please do not judge someone before reading clearly what she has posted. Silverwings never said that msbananas was a Christian.

I never said she did, idiot. PAY ATTENTION. I’d tell YOU to read clearly before making an a*s out of yourself, but you’ve shown time and time again that you CAN’T.

She was just helping msbananas to check to see if she is a Christian or not. There is no harm in that.

That is EXACTLY what I said she was doing, idiot. PAY ATTENTION.

Answer #3

maybe you don’t have a specific religion, like christian or buddhist or something, but you’re spiritual and that’s what matters

Answer #4

She asked if she has RELIGION, not if she was a Christian… PAY ATTENTION.

I guess you are not paying attention. Please do not judge someone before reading clearly what she has posted. Silverwings never said that msbananas was a Christian. She was just helping msbananas to check to see if she is a Christian or not. There is no harm in that. If someone else wants to her msbananas check and find weather she is a Hundu or a Muslem or some other religion they are welcome to do it.

Answer #5

you might not have a specific religion, but if you believe in god then you have faith. you just need to find the right religion for you, or if there isn’t one just…carry on how you are now or…make your own religion, haha.

Answer #6

She asked if she has RELIGION, not if she was a Christian… PAY ATTENTION.

Answer #7

We can be cold or hot, or lukewarm, however, we do know in who or what we believe in, otherwises we will be confused, and able to be persuaded in all kinds of different directions.

A few questions that you might ask yourself:

  1. Do you believe in the God of the bible?
  2. Do you know what his plan of salvation is?
  3. If so, have you accepted it?
  4. If you were to die tonight, do you know where you would go, or what would happen to your soul & your spirit?
  5. Do you believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem fallen man, and to pay the price for our salvation?
Answer #8

You believe and pray to god… that means you’re a theist…

But aside from praying, you don’t have any religious practices or rituals. So I guess you could call yourself a ‘’non-religious monotheist’’ or maybe a deist… but I’d need to know more about your beliefs to be sure.

Answer #9

It sounds like you are still deciding. At some point you may find yourself being drawn to a specific religion or worldview. I think you believe the main tenets of the religions you have been exposed to but haven’t decided on the details yet. It is the details that cause you to favor one religion over another.

Answer #10

Whether or not you have a religion affiliation, is a personal choice you make.

If you don’t know whether or not you have a religion, then you have not made that choice, and you do not have one. Other people don’t decide your religious affiliations for you.

Answer #11

If I may ask, why are you not yet baptized? Is there something you disagree with?

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