Do celebrities go on the computer?

Haha I’ve always wanted to know if celebrites go on msn, or those kind of things., because it would probably be hard because lots of people find out what the adress is. Im thinkin they wouldent have time..but ya just wondering xd

Answer #1

I think that a lot of stars as you say use the computer because it is the only thing they can use with out getting mobed by a bunch of people or something.

Answer #2

Well yea some have myspace or msn or even facebook I mean just try 2 look them up I have quite a few on my myspace add meh if ya want just funmail me so I can give you my email

Answer #3

oh yeh, enter shikari (my fav band) go on myspace, msn, facebook 24/7 lol sometimes bebo


Answer #4

I’m sure they use e-mail but probley not much more with their busy lives.

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