What do you like/dislike the most about being your gender?

Answer #1

I like myself as a boy because of strength and probably the only thing I dislike it is I am not flexible

Answer #2

I don’t like the whole period thing, the pressure of having to look perfect 24/7 and be skinny and having to take hours to get ready to go through. I like all the cute clothes and shoes, also being able to give a child its life.. guys cant do that and experience it.

Answer #3

I’d have to say I dislike the fact that women are portrayed as weaker than men, and for many years they barley had any rights, and in some places they still don’t. I dislike the fact that we are the ones that have to deal with our periods and pregnancy.

I do like that we can dress up and do our hair in many styles, along with being able to cry without being seen as “weak”. I like the fact that we can show our sensitive sides in public without being questioned. I also like how strong women can be and how powerful they can be if they put their minds to it.

I definitely think that their are more positives to being a girl then there are negatives.

Answer #4

I hate periods! i mean especially when your at school and you sit down.. and you stand up and a HUGE blood stain in the back of your pants.. yepp its happened.. and its embarrassing.. trying to look skinny.. i am pretty short.. and i am pretty thick so i am not the skinniest girls but im okayy.. and the minutes it takes girls to get ready, well for me. i mean it takes me a complete 30-45 min to get ready for school.. it takes my boyfriend 3 minutes… i mean its so unfair to look good for school.. i mean myyy lordd.. but wat i do love about bein a girl.. i mean i get complimented that i am pretty.. and i like that.. i love dressing up for school makeup,clothes, hair.. its awesome and fun to do.. i mean but its pretty hard to be a girl.. cause boys dont expieriance it.. but i wish one day in there life they cood expierence a girls daily life.. ya no?

Answer #5

I hate that guys have sooooo little clotheing options compared to girls! Jean and a shirt, shorts and a shirt, there you go, that’s basically all we can wear. Where’s the creativity in that?! Girls get everything we have as well as dresses and rompers and jumpers and skirts and all these other fabulous, unique clothes. Not saying that I want to wear a dress, just saying that there needs to be a male equivalent xD

Answer #6

NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGG lol I like being a boy :D

Answer #7

Omg the period thing, believe it or not that happened to me. It was so embarrassing and people made fun of me and people wouldn’t sit in that seat that I had my “accidient” on, and I SO hear you on the getting ready for school thing =P

Answer #8

Well I love to be a boy and really thankful to god that he made me like that. However, I don’t think girls need to be disappointed as the creator of this universe has made everything for some purpose. Without girls/women there will be no color in anyone’s life.

Answer #9

yeaa aha, but i had a large shirt to go over it and thank god my mom brought me a new pair of pants aha

Answer #10

i love being a girl for the most part, i don;t think of it as oh i have a period and oh i have to give birth, i see it as i get to bring life into this world and carry a child and have him/her grow inside me. i like that women can shave instead of being hairy, that we don’t grow beards. i think the only thing i think i don’t like is how emotional we can get without meaning or no matter how many times we say we don’t care we do, where as guys can just blow it off (opinion really).

Answer #11

Dislike: Periods, pain of childbirth, the expectations to look good, the double standards, the way women are more often seen and thought of as something to look at, the whole makeup thing. Like: More variety of clothes.

Answer #12

the expectation and lack of expectation by other classes.

Answer #13

i hate periods and changing infront of other girls and girls we have to be polite and u cant be fat (which i am ) and u are the one to blame if u have sex or get pregnant because u get called a slut and the one thing i hate the most is that girls are always bullying people badly

Answer #14

I love that I can show affection to other females without people making assumptions concerning my sexual orientation, and that in general society seems to be more tolerant of things like sexual orientation when it involves a woman. I love that I have more options in terms of fashion. I like that men open doors for me and carry things for me, and help me with things im too short to reach, but those things are probably from watching too many old romantic movies! I dont like the difference in wages. I dont like the fact that pregnancy and child-rearing is so under appreciated when being a mother is such an important role. I dont like the pressure and bitchiness that I experience from other women. A lot of the time I find other women dont seem to like me for some unknown reason, and I prefer forming friendships with men as they can be so much more straight forward and down to earth.

Answer #15

the fact that in my class theres some boys who wake up with perfect hair and they just walk in without doing anything to it, dislike the periods and carrying a baby round for 9 months and giving birth, the effort to put make up on, nice clothes everything to impress a boy.

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