Why is everyone DIRECTIONERS now?!

It is SOOOOO annoying!

Answer #1


Answer #2

Yeah what?

Answer #3

She means One Direction fans.

Answer #4

Not that many choices in boy bands or boy singers for girls of that age. Many of them just want to belong to something.

Answer #5

Its just the product of media…Advertising so good and tweeked that it influences the thoughts of people (Developing brains (vulnerable) of teenage girls)…Its brain washing really….IMO lol Next year it will be who ever else they choose for you to like.Its a system that works but as it influences thoughts and actions of millions its like a cult or sumin to me…haha.

Answer #6

My little sisters’ are. They’re bedroom walls are covered in one direction posters, literally all they blast on their radios is one direction CD’s. They force me to listen to it in the car. It’s kind of annoying haha but I can’t say I didn’t do the same thing when I was younger, rather than one direction I was all about Avril Lavigne and Green Day.

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