Difficult hair

I hate my hair. Well I like it but when I go to school I see all these girl with cute curly hair and I just always have to straighten my hair. My hair has good volume and stuff but it seems to never coopoperate with me. I got a hair got.its medium length and flowy but I just cant figure out why I cant do cute stuff with my hair and belive me I have tried.please help?

Answer #1

I have that really curly hair, and I know what you mean by not being able to control it, especially if it’s humid. I would try chaning your shampoo and conditioner to one that’s specifically for curly hair. When it’s wet, put in a leave in conditioner that helps it stay refreshed looking. If needed, at some mousse, but not too much, then your hair just looks greasy. Generally, you just need to play around with it [summer’s best because then you don’t have to worry as much if it doesn’t work out] and find out what works for your type of hair. I hope I’ve helped.

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