How do I get her to buy me a plann phone?

Mmkay well she will not buy me a plan cellphone, she got me trackphone ew. Gross - ugyy. So how do I get her to buy me a plann phone?? She got my sister one 4 her 16th bday, im 14 && I gotta wait 2 years?!!! Everyone else in my school has a good phone, please help me. :(.

Answer #1

yeah, gina’s right… chill out, I didnt get a cell till I got a job so I can pay for it myself. I WISH my parents would pay the bill.. complaining because you have a tracphone instead of a plan, you’re 14, seriously. thats really stupid. shut up and be grateful.

Answer #2

I agree with ginaxxx. stop complaining. you want a plan phone go work :) be happy you have a phone my bestfriend dont got one and shes 17 almost 18. geez.

Answer #3

I’m 14 and have an iphone. it is very nice, not to brag or anything. you should earn it, do chores around the house, babysit, get a job, do something to earn money. Just do what twilightmaven32 said on how to convence her and you should be fine. also point out that a plan phone would be cheaper(technically)than the one you got now. good luck!

Answer #4

OMG your so selfish be glad you have one Damn!!

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