what's the difference between a screen name and a scene name?

On my myspace i have a text on all my photos that says ‘’jenn terror’ because that is my screen name and i don’t want anyone to steal my pix. No it’s not my real last name,but i don’t really want to give that out to the whole world. And i think Jenn Terror sounds like a cool screen name. But someone told me that’s a scene name. I’m not scene though. And on my flicker account it says Jenn Terror too. What is the difference? i’m confusing about it.

Answer #1

A screen name is just a name you use on the internet. A username. A ‘scene name’ is (as far as I know) what scene kids go about calling themselves for whatever reason. Probably to prove how unique they are by, er, copying all the other scene kids. A name doesn’t have to be one or the other. One could have a scene name and use it as a screen name. Did that make sense? Jenn T*rror (seriously, that word is blocked?! This is ridiculous.) does sound like a typical scene name, to be honest, but it doesn’t matter as long as you like it.

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