What is the difference between a pancake and a waffle?

Tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

Waffles are called that because of the shape so to speak. The indentations made by the waffle iron (so they can hold the syrup and butter without it running off) Pancakes are smooth and round. Waffles can be square or round but have the square box like indentations in them. Both are made from the same ingredients, but cook up differently, and look different. The waffle will be “stiffer” and more rigid, whereas the pancake will be light and fluffy.

Answer #2

They’re both different, but they’re both yummy. I’m a waffle girl! :3

Answer #3

Right on. I’ll do either one, but I want eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and gravy with it !!!! Top it off with a big Ice cold glass of milk.

Answer #4

Never had eggs, bacon, hasbrowns together or with gravy. I’d give it a try, but more than likely won’t eat it again. I like scrambled eggs, Pillsbury grand biscuits, sausages, toast. I put the eggs, sausages, and toast together and make a sandwich. The biscuit is gets covered in syrup.

Answer #5

Actually, the ingredients are slightly different. Waffle batter tends to have oil added to it, where pancakes do not.

Answer #6

Actually, the ingredients are slightly different. Waffle batter tends to have oil added to it, where pancakes do not.

Answer #7

All I can say is that I love both and mum makes the best waffles aand pancakes yum u made me hungry.

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