Difference between these?

I don’t know who I like anymore.. what is this feeling like? How do you know if it’s just… infatuation? love? like? crush?

I’m really confused..

Answer #1

many a times people do love somebody but cant recognize it properly. the thing is you need to consider the thoughts and feeling you have all of again. you have to decide how important the person is in your life? how much you are dependent on emotional front ? and do you really need him? if you are in love you will be dependent emotionally he will be definitely imp for you and you will definitely need him in every situation of your life, then its surely love even if you dont feel it.

Answer #2

love isn’t something you feel it’s a commitment you make crush is when you enjoy the idea of a person and not the actual person like is wanting to get to know what you like about all people and finding out a person has some of those attributes

Answer #3

If its love, you’ll know for sure because its a feeling like no other. If you don’t know if you seriously like the person or not… you probley don’t. Usually if you like someone seriously, you know for sure. If you have doubts its pobley just a little crush if anything.

Answer #4

very oten the feelings people have are like or lust love is almost an indescribable feeling that gets thrown around way too ofetn these days when you feel real love, all the other emotions kind of fade away everything seems better like/lust is were you think everything is good, but arnt 100%sure a crush is like, like, but not quite, its a little bit less than like an infatuation ids when you think youve fallen for someone, cant get them out of your head kind of thing thats all probably confusing but like=like love=love and no other word means love

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