Did you guys ever go to Curacao?

It’s an island in the Netherlands Antilles.. basically the Caribbean. Did anyone ever go there on vacation? I live there:)

Answer #1

I’ve never been there either, and I would SO love to have a vacation there!

Answer #2

I went to curacao, 20 years ago. Wonderful little island in the Netherland Antilles. Saw my first pod of pilot whales coming into Curacao. Weren’t there very long got some provisions for the sailboat and took off. Loved the beautiful mulitcolored buildings down your main street, and the little bridge near the mouth of the inlet. Has some wonderful Dutch cooking in one of the restaurants - can’t remember the name. Had a drink at the bar at the marina. Friendly people. Sailed past Lesser Curacao. Just a little flat piece of real estate a fellow used to bring his goats out to graze for the day and take them home at night. At the time there was an old Cuban freighter grounded and abandoned. Still there?

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