Did I do something wrong?

Okay, so me and this I guy I kind of like have been sending messages to each other on the internet quite a bit. We go to school together, he’s a senior, I’m a junior. Well so far we have sent each other 360 some messages in the past 6 days…and we have talked about the most random things, we share interests and everything! Now the thing is, he hasn’t texted me back since yesterday on the phone, and he said he would message me on facebook later, so I said okay. So I text him on facebook…he doesn’t answer…I do it again today…nothing…and he has been on…I have checked…I just got over this one guy I shall call Mit for now, well I told Mit I liked him and he let me down easily, the thing is the guy I’m texting is best friends with Mit…and we have been messaging each other a lot…did Mit tell him? Am I doing something wrong? I like him and everything! I just don’t know what’s going on? He hasn’t said anything back…and we can’t talk much at school because of having only one class together and all his friends including Mit are in there. I’m confused…I messaged him earlier asking “did I do anything wrong… maybe we are texting each other too much if you aren’t talking to me…maybe we should cool it on the messages…if you didn’t want to talk to me you could have just said so…later…” I don’t know…I’m really confused right now…I don’t want to be…I just like him quite a bit…should I be freaking out at all like I am now? I have so many questions I want answered in this! lol…

Answer #1

well then dude whats the problem, get over it. he doesn’t want to talk to you, and you just have to accept it and quit being paranoid. don’t make him your priority when you’re only his option.

Answer #2

True…but I don’t know if Mit told him…because I told on Facebook Mit on Sunday, and me and this other guy have been texting since that Monday. Mit sent a message back on Wednesday, and me and the other guy have been talking still like 5 days after that…so did Mit tell him just recently. I’m laying off…it’s just that why didn’t Mit tell him earlier? That’s what confused me…

Answer #3

Okay…fine I’ll get over…tough that’s life…that’s not going to change the fact that I’m pissed at Mit for telling him…a*hole! Ugh…guys are so immature and stupid in high school…I’m just going to focus on school work…idc anymore about guys if I’m the one getting hurt like this!

Answer #4

Your getting hurt, because you wear your heart on your sleeve. I mean it sounds like you have fallen hard for this guy, and all you have between you are texts, and only 6 days worth. Its not like you had a relationship with him, and he just up, and left you. Maybe this guy thinks you just want someone to like. I mean you told “mit” you liked him, and he turned you down, so now you move on to liking his best friend? Maybe “mit” did talk to him, later rather than sooner, but whatever the reason…he has stopped talking to you. So just accept it, and move on.

Answer #5

well I think YOU should be the one to lay off the texting… if I were him I would feel kind of cornered because you just keep sending him messages over and over.. obviously if he’s not replying it’s for a reason… take a hint. he probably doesn’t want to mess up the relationship he already has with his best friend because of you. get over it and move on, but don’t keep texting and messaging him cause that’s just going to spook him off even further, and it’s going to confuse and hurt you even more.

Answer #6

it matters because he’s still your ex. and you have a crush on your exs best friend. it matters. what if he started dating your best friend.. no matter how much you tell yourself it wouldn’t bother you, deep down it would. and no, you’re not laying off.. because you’re obviously way paranoid whether or not mit told him or not. and how do you expect me to tell you when mit told your crush.. I’m not psychic. getting involved with exs friends just ruins friendships, causes drama, and it’s doomed for heartbreak. just back off..

Answer #7

Oh, and I told Mit I didn’t like him like that anymore…so why should it matter?

Answer #8

Nooo…he’s not my ex…he’s just a guy I told I liked!!! I never went out with him!!! How can he be my ex if I never dated him in my life!!!

Answer #9

He’s being a stupid tard Nikki, lets start doing that sh*t we just said we would do on myspace! Lol. Guys are gay sometimes! Not our faults that guys at our school are that way!

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