Did anyone see HSM3?

If so, how did you like it? I saw it this thursday and I absolutely loved it. I think this movie was much bigger and better then the ones before it. Its really more professional. The dancing also really improved, and the songs are nice as always. I liked it a lot!

How did you guys like it? It’s okay if you didn’t like it.

Answer #1

Haha I forgot it was going to come out. LOL As you can see, I don’t have cable or anything so I can’t really watch things unless I go to my cousins house=( But usually when I watch the movies the first time, I like it but then it gets super annoying. =P

Answer #2

I wanted to watch it so darn badly!! but it didn’t premeire at the movies close to my home! so my boyfriend and I had to watch somting else!! - we wanted to watch Saw 5 ( but it was starting already and the line up was SUPER LONG since it was a P.A. day! plus it’s 18A) so we decided to watch Body Of Lies (but we were 45mins late while waiting in line to buy tickets! yes!! the line up was that LONG!) so we sneaked into Quanantine, which wasn’t scarry, but instead quite disturbing! :P

Answer #3

yah , I saw it . it was ok . some was cheesy .

Answer #4

I guess it was ok…

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