How can you develop creativity?

Is there a way to be more creative about things in general or is creativity just naturally embedded into people and only a few lucky ones get it? Thanks in advance for all the answers! :)

Answer #1

Creativity flows through everyone no matter who they are everyone comes up with one thing someone hasnt thought of before some time or another. I’ve come up with a couple. I dont think creatvity is like naturally embedded in people though lol

Answer #2

So.. It’s just a matter of expressing it and realizing you expressed it? :O

Answer #3

Creativity lies on a scale. Some people naturally have more of it (especially in some areas) than others. But a lot of things can just come from practice and hard work. So, you just continue to work at whatever it is you love. You’d be surprised at how inspiration strikes you out of nowhere. Try to think out of the box. Try to allow yourself even the most improbable ideas. I think you can work at being more creative.

Answer #4

Anything artistic will definitely improve your creative ability. Yes, some people are just born creative, and some people are born with absolutely no creative talent whatsoever. Most people are born with creativity but they just aren’t stimulated artistically as a baby/child. Personally I think that parents should constantly stimulate artistic ability in their children. Things like coloring in/drawing, music lessons, made-up games etc will do wonders for children later on in life. For you, as a teenager, you can improve your creativity in all areas of your life by doing little things like drawing, playing a musical instrument, or even just playing games with pets or small children. Anything that activates your imagination will encourage your creative talent to surface and flourish. Try doing your school projects by hand, drawing and hand-writing it all instead of on the computer. It will be hard at first, but you will soon get the hang of it all and will have the best work in your classes. Writing poetry/songs is also a good way of expressing yourself creatively. You don’t have to show anyone, just write (I think you will be very good at writing- you are very literate for your age). Remember to have fun and just do/draw/write/play ANYTHING that comes to mind. There is no limit!!! :P

Answer #5

You develop creativity by practicing. Not everyone has it naturally, try and be creative with everything that you do, i.e. find news ways (even if someone else has thought of it) and at some point your brain will kick into a permanent creativity mode.

Answer #6

I had a friend who dripped libation onto art paper and afterwords he would craft a scenario and finish the thought on the paper using different media. Similar to staring at clouds and forming them into anthropomorphic figures.

I sometimes close my eyes and try to form lucid images… then set them in motion. If I am listening to music I try to distinguish the emotional intention the artist imparted in the work and then hone the feeling into something that may be able to be expressed another way.

I always found that working around other creative people inspired me more than almost anything else. You can look at how someone else has begun to create and then decide for yourself which direction you would take the piece. In one cartooning exercise I came across… the instructor suggested taking the funnies section of whichever paper you wish… covering up the speech bubbles and coming up with your own dialogue. You can do this with just about everything… eg… taking a photograph or painting from another artist and creating a smaller frame inset inside that you find visually pleasing and symmetric.

It is a skill that you can practice… it isn’t as straight forward as most other regimen… but gets easier over time.

Answer #7

I agree to that. Many years ago when I decided to become an interior designer/decorator, I wasn’t as creative as some of the people in my class, so decided to specialize in color. Color was the one thing I noticed decorators/designers didn’t do. It seemed they were afraid of it. They kept to monotones. Even today decorators/designers keep to monotones, safe.
What I did to become creative was take an idea, even if it was what everyone was doing, and do it differently. Eventually ideas came to me very easily. Today it’s not a problem.
After 20 years I eventually went more and more into architecture, my love, and started to design my own homes along with decorating them.
What I do is pay attention to detail, whether its architecture or furnishings. It’s all about detail.
Take the best magazines, all the best homes are about detail. Keep to the basics and do it differently.
If you do things differently, and stick to the basics, people will think you are a genius. Eventually you will come up with a bright idea no one is using and create a whole new trend. What ever area of creativity you are in you can be creative. Look at Michael Jordan, he’s probable the most creative person in basketball to have come along in a long time.
Any field one can be creative, even business. I once had a client who told me he wish he was an interior design/decorator because it was so creative. I told him banking was creative too. It’s what you do with it, how you solve peoples problems. Any creative endeavor is how you solve peoples problems, even your own.

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