
I’m worried I have it, but I know my mum won’t want to go to the doctor. And I don’t want to go as I’ve already been there so many times the past year for different things,(been really run down etc.). And I can’t afford the doctor on my own. Doctors in Ireland are shitt so it’s basically a waste of 100euro, serious. Any other way I can actually figure out? I seem to have a lot of the symptoms but it seems like I’ve had those forever most of my life anyway. Soo I’m confused.

Answer #1

I guess it depends what your feeling like. sometimes I think im depressed… like now but im pretty sure its just seasonal for me. exercise helps and doing fun things maybe :S

Answer #2

I feel the samee wayy . my mom dont want me to go to the doctorr eitherr .

Answer #3

There is no real way to self diagnose… and there’s no online way to diagnose either… so the answer to your question is no… there is no other way to figure out by trying to do it on your own. Also, if you have had a low level of depression as far as you can remember, it may be dysthymia. So, again, that doesnt mean there’s nothing wrong… You really need to see a doctor. Whether your mother wants you to or not is really besides the point. Go see a psychologist…

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