Depressed lately..

Lately, I’ve just been so unhappy. It seems like I’m alone and my friends can never hang out anymore, and the guys I used to be close with and liked just don’t want anything to do wiht me. I know its easy to say ‘move on, meet new people’ but I really just don’t want to. I dont know what to do anymore, but I’m so upset all the time.

Answer #1

everyone can feel lonely at times. its natural but dont let it get to you(: just keep your head up high, and be proud of who you are. try something new each day. join groups and organizations. link up with a friend! or go out and meet new people! trust me it helps. just have fun!!

Answer #2

well get your self a pet and you wont be lonely meet new friends go out to the mall or whatever you do for fun trust me meeten new peole is great and maybe youll find the love of your life and you wont be lonel cause be depress is a waste of time we live once don’t be depress and cry I have no friends no no no live life and trust me you wont regret and youll be expierence new things and understanding new stuff you never taugth you ll now , friends come and go and sometimes we make new friends it happens I make new friends everyday is the way of life . to you if feel like is the end of life for you but sweet is judt the begging of your great awsome life that ahead of you don’t waste live it like you should enjoy it you will love it make new friend it always happen

Answer #3

I used to be the same way. I was always a happy pereson anyone would tell you that but all of a sudden I had no one to hangout with and I was always lonely. I just delt with it. I tried to talk to some new people at school. and satrt asking my old friends if they wanted to hang out. if they were busi I would schedual another date with them that they were fre, you maight also wanna think about a job or hobbie. I took up jogging. I go with a friend from schhoool. but I hope this help

Answer #4

Well you’re allowed time to mourn, but you do have to realize that there’s not much you can do. You can make a renewed effort to keep in touch with your friends, but if they just do not want to, there’s little you can do about it. Try doing stuff on your own. Go out. Discover what you like to do on your own. I know it can get lonely, but maybe this is a good opportunity for you to learn who you are without your friends. It is a vicious cycle, the longer you stay in and away from people, the more miserable you’re going to be, and the less likely you’re going to want to go out, and cycle continues. The only thing you can do really, is break it. Go try something new. Small steps…

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