Deleting a question

How do you delete a question? If you have to many questions can you still veiw them all? My friend has an account and she cant seem to see a question because her thing is so full. Hel p asap

Answer #1

“how do you delete a question?”

YOU can’t. You can only make them Anonymous which removes them from your question list and changes the username to “fau”.

“if you have to many questions can you still view them all?”

Yes. There is a “View All” link at the top of the question box on your profile that shows up when you have more questions than can fit in the question box. Clicking on that link opens up the questions list.

“my friend has an account and she cant seem to see a question because her thing is so full. help asap”

If the above information doesn’t help her, Fun Mail me her username and I’ll see if I can help her.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

theres no way to delete questions once youve posted them advisors can delete them but only if they break the terms of use otherwise they just stay here

Answer #3

you cant delete questions, you can mark them anonymous tho your page - my questions - mark as anonymous it doesnt delete them but they dont know who asked the q, so really you can forget you asked it.

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