Delete my question.!

Is there a way to delete your previously asked questions.? I know you can mark it anonymous but I want to delete it.!

Answer #1

As stated above, YOU can only make them anonymous which places them under the “fau” account and removes them from your profile. Normally the only way questions get Deleted is if they violate the Terms of Use.

That being said, if you think you have a valid reason for requesting that your question be deleted, such as because you have too much personal identifying information in it, you can try Fun Mailing one of the three Admins below and plead your case.

editor =

stephanief987 =

thedude =

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        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

ill try ;)

Answer #3

Questions can’t be deleted. It would be nice and helpful sometimes, but if you mark as annonymous, you won’t receive any emails about it, nor will it show up on your profile as a recently asked question.

Answer #4

no the only way questions get deleted is if they break the terms of use all you can do is mark them as annonymous and this will permanently delete them from your list of asked questions

Answer #5

what was your question

Answer #6

u cnt do it sorry

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