What are your beliefs with how the world began?

Tomorrow I have a general philosophical debate– starting from situation ethics, utliitarianism/natural law, etc. I have very subversive opinions on most matters when debating and would just like to know your personal feelings toward the way the world was made in relation to your beliefs about God.? Stating your arguements… much appreciated. would just like to know what I have coming… ;)

Answer #1

God tells us in the Bible - your choice whether to accept or reject - I believe it to be true cover to cover…Take care !!

Answer #2

I am constantly researching and modifying my understanding and therefore my beliefs on the subject. Today I believe that the placement of the earth and the moon in relation to the sun, and the life forms found on earth are the result of a creative conscious process, I.e. done by a Creator. However I believe that at some point (pointing in the direction of our universe) there had to be ‘something’ already there to allow for the Creation process to have occurred. And my reasoning is that in order for something to be made (created) it had to be done within the framework of something bigger than what was made. That if God really is “self-existent” (Existing of or by himself, independent of any other being or cause) and I do believe he is self-existent, there has to have been some ‘directive or law or concept’, perhaps beyond our ability to percieve it, that would have made this possible. There had to exist some context beforehand that allowed for it to happen and into which it could be placed.

Answer #3

I believe no one really knows anything for certain, but faith in something that’s in many ways ‘far fetched’, is a little hard to stomach when there is so much physical evidence to prove that the Earth and everything else was obviously not made over a 7 day period, especially when time like weeks & days differ throughout the cosmos, depending which planet, galaxy, etc. your positioned at one moment. Was God timing himself? …and by whose watch? And the bible was written by humans too…not Gods…accept it or reject it.

The existence of God is not enough to explain the existence of the Universe. If the Universe can logically exist, then no God is needed to create it. If it is valid to say “everything has a cause except God”, it is more likely that everything has a cause except the Universe. If God doesn’t need a cause because it is infinite, it is more likely that the natural Universe has existed forever and therefore doesn’t need a cause.

Creationism makes the following claims, among others:

* The universe and everything in it was created somewhere between 6,000 and 
   10,000 years ago.
* The process of creation took place over six twenty-four hour days.
* The sequence of creation was (Genesis 1):

     1. Pre-existing water
     2. Light and darkness
     3. Heaven as distinct from water
     4. Dry land and oceans
     5. Plant life
     6. The sun, moon and stars
     7. Fish, whales and birds
     8. Land animals
     9. Man and woman

* Except when the order of creation was (Genesis 2):

     1. The earth and the heavens
     2. Man
     3. Plant life
     4. Animal life
     5. Woman

* There was a world-wide flood about 4,500 years ago

* In this flood, all human, plant and animal life was destroyed except for eight people and the plants and animals which they had managed to load onto a boat and keep alive for just over a year
* All humans on Earth today are descendants of those eight people
* All animals and plants on Earth today are descended from the occupants of the boat
* All geological formations seen today were laid down during the eight to ten months of the flood

The scientific position makes the following claims, again among others:

* According to the latest research, the universe is about 13.7 billion years old. The conditions and events which initially brought the universe into being are unknown at this time, but not necessarily unknowable
* The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old
* There are certain rules, processes and constant values which operate across space and apply throughout the universe
* Apart from an extremely tiny period of time following the universe coming into existence, there are certain rules, processes and constant values which operate across time, so that some observations made now have applied to the universe since it began and some conditions of the new universe still apply today
* Self-replicating molecules first appeared on the Earth about 3.5 billion years ago
* All life on Earth is descended from these molecules, although there may have been many originations at different times and in different places
* The enormous variety of life forms on the planet is the result of a very long process of trial and error, with many dead ends and many (but fewer) successes
* Every living organism today, be it plant, animal, fish, bacteria or whatever, has a long line of ancestors who all have one thing in common, and that is that they were able to produce viable offspring which themselves lived long enough to reproduce

One of the criticisms levelled against evolution is that it is “only a theory”. This criticism is disingenuous for two reasons. First, the word “theory” has a specific meaning with a scientific context and it means an idea which has enough evidence to support it such that rejection would require not just philosophical arguments but disconfirming evidence. Second, it is a strawman argument. Science is always a work in progress. The fact that the theory of evolution cannot provide absolute answers to all questions about the origins of life does not invalidate the theory any more than the fact that research has not yet uncovered a cure for cancer invalidates medicine or the fact that oil companies drill dry holes invalidates geology. The world-wide scientific community exists just because there are unanswered questions. That is what science is and is for. Science does not have a book which states absolute truths - if it did it would be religion, not science.

All science expects of a theory is that it be testable, falsifiable and corrigible. The theory of evolution is all three. Creationism is none of the three. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. The evidence for special creation is non-existent.

Answer #4

I beleive in Multiverse theroy so I beleive in many Universes. I have studied the Big Bang Theory, Grand Unified Theory and hundreds of religions and I have came up with the most plausible scenario, although like all of these theories, my theory based on this knowledge also has gaps due to the fact that I cannot know everything. 159 Trillion years ago the Universe came into existence. Basically there are two arguments one arguments that I have heard playing Devil’s Advocate. One side says that God can’t exist because who created God? The other side says who created all the matter in the Universe,,, Multiverse? How did it come about? So we can neither answer the question as to how God was created or to how the matter was created. In both scenarios, advocates say God has always been there and created all the matter and the Universe, and advocates of science say that the matter in the Universe was created by nothing and just happened to pop up 13.7 billion years ago. Science goes on to say that all the matter in the Universe just magically popped out of nowhere, caused by nothing with no design. The Universe was confined to an infinetly dense atom. According to the Grand Unified Theory during the first 10^-36 of a second after the Universe magically popped into existence caused by nobody, the four forces were there namely Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force, and Weak Nuclear Force. First Gravity broke off from the Electormagnetism force, the Strong Nuclear Force, and the Weak Nuclear Force. Then The strong Nuclear force broke off from the Electromagnetism Force, and the Weak Nuclear Force. Thus the remaining force the Electroweak force which was the combination of the Electromagnetism Force and the Weak Nuclear Force was the last thing to break into the different forces. Thus this created a Scalar Field which happened to expand the Universe a Quattor decillion times the speed of light for about a fraction of a second, thus causing the Universe to come into existence. In religion all of the Unverses are in God and he exhales them and they come out through the pores of his skin. They remain outside for 311 trillion 40 billion years before he inhales all the Universes in Himself, which remain there for another 311 trillion 40 billion years. The Cycle repeats itself forever. SO two views Relgion and Science. I think the relgious one makes more sense, but everyone is free to choose God created the Universe, or nothing created the Universe.

Answer #5


I believe in the big bang theory. 100%

The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the universe whose primary assertion is that the universe has expanded into its current state from a primordial condition of enormous density and temperature.

Theoretical support for the Big Bang comes from mathematical models, called Friedmann models. These models show that a Big Bang is consistent with general relativity and with the cosmological principle, which states that the properties of the universe should be independent of position or orientation.

The fact that MATH and theory both support it together, helps me to believe it more. I can’t disagree with math.

God? Until there is proof. Math, photos, physical proof. I will not believe in God.

Answer #6

I believe science can tell us what happened and the Bible tells us how it happened.
Taken separately, each has to be taken on faith. Belief in the Big Bang alone invalidates the first law of thermodynamics.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_thermodynamics “ the First Law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; rather, the amount of energy lost in a steady state process cannot be greater than the amount of energy gained.”

The problem here is that the Big Bang theory starts with a singularity (which simply means it cannot be duplicated) in which all of the matter and energy were contained within a primeval atom (often referred to as being the size of a hydrogen nucleus). And from it all of the matter of the Universe, including the millions and millions of galaxies came from that one infinitesimal point. Its basis relies on matter and energy being created; the first law of thermodynamics clearly states that matter or energy cannot be created.

Another violation of this law is that if all of the energy of the pre-existing universe was wrapped up in this primeval atom, where did the energy come from to cause it to “explode”.

If you put science and the Bible together; and there was a primeval atom of untold density and an outside force (outside the law of thermodynamics) of unimaginable magnitude was applied to it, the force or energy applied to it could have been converted to matter, forming all of the galaxies of the universe.

Answer #7

Science takes everything to a new level. And I believe that it’s true.

Answer #8

I agree with texaskimmie.

Answer #9

“the b-I-b-l-e yes thats the book for me I stand up tall on the word of god the b-I-b-l-e.. BIBLE!” =]]]

Answer #10

I believe in the creation by God.

Answer #11

I prefer the way Hans Kung, (a renown theologian, philosopher), puts it; “Evolution is the continuation of Creationism”.

Answer #12

God made it!:)

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