Dead Beat Father

I am 9 months pregnant and through out this whole time I have been doing everything alone. From Doctor’s visits to buying baby supplies. And now I am due any day, which to my suprise now the “Baby’s Father” wants to be involved in our lives. I’m not too sure how to feel about this and I don’t want to get my hopes up and he just lets us down!

Answer #1

Give him a chance, but dont get your hopes up to high. Make sure your still just as independant so that if he does decide to vanish, your not stuck hopeless and lost. Its better if both parents are involved, maybe he just got a little spooked of the whole situation. I feel bad you’ve had to go through this whole thing alone, be strong.

Answer #2

Be careful, that usually happens but when the babys shit starts to stink and the cuteness is gone and reality sets in he could leave again. Be careful and let him know (cause you are) you are strong and you dont NEED him. That for him to be in your life is a want and he needs to make you WANT him. you have done it already and you are a wonderful mother already. Hang in there girl. Mother of four teens 15-19. I did it all by myself too and there dad is a jerk too. Just stay strong. You will be ok and remember love should be a want for it to be healthy not a need. lizzysddj

Answer #3

I understand how you feel, and I am just as curious as you to this sudden change of heart but at least he wants to make it now rather then years down the road. I would let him, I would be cautious thought. If he shows a true intrest that is always best for the baby to know both parents. If he isn’t then you can say go away before the baby grows to attached and can be hurt by the father’s neglect.

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